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On 22 July 2019, we set off on a trip that would turn out to be absolutely magical. We had packed our bags, were excited and ready for an overnight trip under the open sky in the saddle between Uranostinden and Slingsbytinden.
We spent the night at Fondsbu the day before we went to the mountains. There awaited a better dinner, and a pleasant gathering time with the Jotunheimen event which was to be our guide.
In the morning we ate a good breakfast and headed for Uranostinden. As the hours passed and we got well on the glacier, the fog came, and we could barely see the person in front of us. And from not seeing anything to waking up at 03.30 to a view that can take everyone's breath away, we slowly strolled up to the top of Uranostinden to catch a magical sunrise the likes of which I have never seen.
Another fantastic trip, and completely different from what I usually have. But certainly not the last of this kind 🙂






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