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I was sitting in Strømstad and was a bit restless to go on a trip, as usual

A few days later we sat on the plane to Fuerteventura and more precisely Costa Calma.

We were going to stay at the R2 Rio Calma hotel. An incredibly nice hotel with a magical view of the sea and a hotel area that was incredibly good

Det var også perfekte små hageflekker som man kunne ha sine egne yoga/treningsøkter på 🧘‍♀️

And the sunrise from the hotel was really magical, so then it was just a matter of getting up for a bath before the sunrise ☀️
Jeg er jo generelt allergisk for å gå glipp av noe så dette kunne vi i hvert fall ikke gå glipp av 😍😍

We found out that we wanted to cycle over to the other side (La Pared), because that beach there is one of the best play beaches I've been to
Since we took it a bit for granted and just wanted to play there, we bought a board that we could lie on our stomachs on and just play in the waves
Da var det bare å feste brettene på ryggsekken og sykle gjennom ørkenlandskapet. Vi fikk høre at det skulle ta omtrent en halvtime å sykle, men det må ha vært bilveien for vi brukte godt og vel to timer og klarte å sykle oss litt bort i tillegg 😅

Etter langt om lenge fikk vi øye på stranden så da var det bare å parkere syklene og løpe uti 🤩💦

Syklene leide vi hos Volcano Bike i Costa Calma, veldig fornøyd med servicen der 👌

And what's better than coming back to the buffet at the hotel after a fantastic day in the water and on the bike

The next day we were going down to one of the beaches closest to the hotel, and in the pile of rocks we spotted this little blue beautiful creature. We understood of course that as long as it is colorful it can be dangerous, and it turned out to be correct! We later found out that it was the Portuguese Man-of-War jellyfish, which is one of the most poisonous jellyfish in existence. This most often comes ashore in the summer when there is an onshore wind. True, there was an onshore wind, but definitely not summer. They can then be blown onto the beaches from colonies out in the sea, since they lie above the water and only the long strands are under water.
Scary stuff, but we notified the hotel and they closed the beach.

But even though there was no more swimming on that beach that day, we had a wonderful day walking along the beach and stopping at cozy places for some food and drink

Dagen etter fant vi ut at vi skulle leie SUP brett og ha yoga på det, for det har jeg lenge hatt lyst til å prøve 😃 Men det gikk som det måtte gå 😅 Og vi fikk oss en god latter om ikke annet 😂

But so incredibly wonderful to just enjoy life in the crystal clear water
It must have been at least 20 degrees, so it didn't feel cold at all

What a week it's been, thank you so much for a soooo perfect trip Cecilie

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