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I've wanted to see the Helgeland coast for a long time, and finally it was time to come here!
The first stop was Tomma. I didn't regret that.
We drove to Levang and took the ferry from there to Nesna, where we changed to the ferry that went directly to Tomma.

Tomma is an island in Nesna municipality and has 110 inhabitants.
There is a small grocery store on the island, a few minutes' drive from the ferry.
The island is dominated by three mountains: Tomskjevelen 922 masl, Breitind 818 masl and Breitomma 803 masl. There is not much more, apart from some fantastic beaches around the island.
There was hardly a human being to be seen, not even on the chalky white beaches.

I had brought the kayak from home, so there was clearly going to be paddling in this paddling paradise.

If you want to rent a kayak, you can also rent this at Tomma, from Helgeland kayak.
Worth noting is that they only rent out for a minimum of 3 days.
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Here you can actually paddle around the clock in the summer, and a trip in the midnight sun is just incredibly beautiful.

Should you feel like free camping here, there are plenty of opportunities.

If you would rather rent a cabin, you can do this at Tomma hytteutleie on phone 970 89 3487/75 05 71 17.

At Tomma, you also have the unique opportunity to rent a sea house from Helgeland Havhus.

Not to mention accommodation at the top of Tomskjevelen.
It takes about 2.5 hours to go up to the top, on a nice path that is well marked. If you are going to have a short break on the road, you can probably count on even a little longer.
You drive to Forsland at Tomma, and there are good opportunities to park here. There is a sign on the left side of the road where the tour starts. From here it is well marked.
There is not a lot of space to spend the night at the top, but it is quite possible to find some places where there is just room for a sleeping pad.
And the view is certainly nothing to complain about.

Here you can enjoy both dinner and breakfast with a view you will never tire of.

After the trip, it can be good to have a small bath in the open air, so why not make use of the small stream directly below where you park.
Here is nature's own little spa facility.

I can really recommend going to this little paradise!

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