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I have long dreamed of being on top of the spectacular Bladet 1290 m above sea level in Molladalen - And finally I was going to get the chance.

We started early in the morning in weather I could hardly dream of.
The guide we used picked us up by boat, and it was just a matter of enjoying a nice trip on the Hjørundfjord for just under half an hour.

We were supposed to go up via the glacier, but it is also possible to go up Molladalen, which is otherwise the most common way up.
The view only got nicer and nicer the further up we got, it is hardly possible to describe it.

At the top of the glacier, the spectacular Bladet awaited us, a special and narrow rock formation that stretches around 13 meters into the air.
Here we had to climb up. No difficult climbing with around grade 4, so it was mostly the airiness that made it a very special experience.


Once back down, we were to catch Mohn's top 1353 meters above sea level, not far away.
Both of these peaks are clearly worth taking in, and I will without a doubt return to the Sunnmørsalps.

Tusen takk til Jens, den dyktige guiden vår som tok meg med på et eventyr jeg sent vil glemme 😀

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